Awareness in the Daintree Forest

Whilst the Daintree Rainforest is filled with many hidden gems worth exploring, there are a number of things you should know. Probably the most dangerous thing to your health and safety in the Daintree Rainforest is you. Here are some tips that we have put together to make your day safer and more enjoyable.

Keep to tracks and paths: By doing so, you will avoid many slippery surfaces and avoid damage to rare plants.

Swimming: Always ask your guide if it is safe to swim before jumping in a creek, stream or river. Unexpected currents occur in many rivers and don’t forget that this is crocodile country.

Be quiet: Enjoy the sounds of the rainforest. Loud talking will scare wildlife.

Listen to your guide: With a keen eye and a good understanding of the Daintree Rainforest and its environment, your guide will probably do most of the wildlife spotting by recognising signs of wildlife in the area.

Do not feed wildlife: Feeding wildlife can cause many problems, both for you and the animals. Animal encounters. Animal life in the rainforest is subtle and momentary and many animals rely on camouflage to protect themselves from predators. You are likely to miss many wonderful insects that the Daintree Rainforest is renowned for without a guide

The Daintree Rainforest is also home to some dangerous plants.

Stinging Plant: Normally found along tracks and clearings It has fine poisonous hairs on its heart-shaped leaves that penetrate the skin and cause severe irritation. The fine hairs can cause renewed pain up to two months after the initial sting. The easiest way to remove the hairs is by using depilatory wax, adhesive tape.

Tree Sap: Sap from some plants can cause skin irritations. It is therefore important not to pull foliage off plants. As well as being damaging to the environment you may get sap on your skin.

Lawyer Vine: Also known as ‘wait-a-while’, the lawyer vine is a prickly climbing plant with hook-like spines that attach themselves to anything. If you do become caught simply remove the barbs in the opposite direction to which they attached themselves.

Using common sense will help you to remain safe and enjoy your visit. To achieve the best and if you want to really know the Rainforest and make the most of your day then a tour guide is a must.

Enjoy your time in the Daintree.